For several years now JCJ has helped fund initiatives for the Tulele Peisa, the organisation helping relocate Carteret Islanders from their climate change threatened atolls to the larger island of…
JCJ Selling Recycled Sari Bags
We are excited to announce that we are now selling our beloved Recycled Sari Bags! The committee decided to order some more from the two Sri Lankan women who make…
Sri Lankan Plant Nurseries during COVID
The work two Sri Lankan youth leaders – Newton and Gayani – have done to support native plant nurseries during the pandemic is a true inspiration!
Support for KAMY – Late 2020
KAMY (Climate Action Malaysia) certainly haven’t let the pandemic stop their work since their last report! JCJ’s financial support has allowed them to pay for their website domain, zoom account…
AGM 2019/20 on Zoom
Join us on Friday 25th at 6pm to celebrate the beginning of JCJ’s 10th year anniversary. We have brought in some exciting guest speakers! It is a very exciting time…
Portraits of Change Climate Action Competition
In conjunction with Michael Chew’s ‘Portraits of Change’ exhibition, JCJ will be holding a environmental ideas and photo competition with the theme: ‘Acting on Climate – what can you do with…
Sustainable Living Festival exhibition from Michael Chew
Come to see the results of years of research from a long-time JCJ supporter, “Portraits of Change: Photo Exhibition” from 26th Feb – 1st March, Monash University Caufield.
Website Revamp
JCJ has redone our website with a more modern look and reorganised content to make it easier for visitors.

Events with Kanchana
Tamil Feast at CERES Wednesday 10th April: 7pm (limited seats) CERES garden events Wednesday 17th April: 9.30am & 11am Green Faith/ARRCC walk Sunday 21st April (Easter Sunday) 4pm Earth@Peace Conference…
Youth bike journey 2018
Chapa led Vanni Yathra, the 2018 bicycle journey through the north of Sri Lanka. The final report has lots of great photos.