Join us on Friday 25th at 6pm to celebrate the beginning of JCJ’s 10th year anniversary. We have brought in some exciting guest speakers!

It is a very exciting time for JCJ because it was 10 years ago that our founders Kanchana and Jim met and conceived the organisation!
To celebrate this anniversary, we have organised a very special line-up for our AGM that reflects the past, present and future of JCJ.
Zoom Link –
Ursula Rakova
Director of Tulele Peisa, a community-based organisation in Bougainville that is helping set up sustainable livelihoods for Carteret Islander climate refugees. Ursula speaks all over the world about the Carteret Islands and is in high demand, so we are very grateful she has made the time to speak to us.
Chapa Erandi Amarasinghe
A trained youth leader from the 6th Yathra, Chapa co-led the most recent Yathra and has worked full time with ECO-V for two years. She is now conducting environmental awareness programs, working/ volunteering with ECO-V and working for another NGO in Sri Lanka.
Ili Nadiah Quarantasei
Head of KAMY (Klima Action Malaysia) a grassroots climate movement led by youth who call for representative climate action in Malaysia by empowering vulnerable groups and communities: youth, women, and the marginalised.
Islyan Newton
Newton has been a participant of every Yathra since its inception, and co-leader of the most recent Yathra. He now volunteers in youth programs and maintains a nursery that provides plants for reforestation in Sri Lanka.
Please RSVP before the meeting to help us know the approximate number of participants.
Email us on jcj.secretary1 @ or text 0 4 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 5.
If you’d like to become more involved with JCJ, consider nominating for a position on the committee – all committee positions will be up for re-election at the AGM.
To nominate, email or phone the Secretary by Friday the 11th of September.