At our recent AGM, a new committee was elected unopposed. Helen Dobbyn is now President, Christina Leslie is Vice-President, and Jack Schmidt continues as Secretary. Ordinary committee members are Colin Long, Holly Dillabough, Shweta Mukherjee and Jim Crosthwaite.
Many thanks to Jim Crosthwaite and Kanchana Weerakoon, formerly President and Vice-President, for their contribution since 2010 in conceiving JCJ and leading its development until this year. And thanks to Mimi, Jim’s dog who introduced Kanchana and Jim to each other at the traffic lights in Fairfield in early 2010.
We’re very keen to find a Treasurer. Jim Crosthwaite will do the
books until we find the right person. It is not an onerous job, taking Jim just 4 hours to update our accounts with the 50 or so transactions since 1 July.
The committee meets 3-4 times a year. It oversights JCJ activity, with the ‘core team’ meeting fortnightly and being the more active group. If you like what we do, why not get involved?